Old river channel, Wolves, and Hanna Montana

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It is quite interesting to see from the satellite view how the river course has changed over time. Might make you think twice about using rivers or streams for boundaries.

Wolf Point is the biggest city so far in Montana on our journey. It is the county seat of Roosevelt county, even though it is on the southern boundary of the County. Ah, which boundary is on the river! Be careful, now.

As does most of this region extending to the Rockies, the summers can be up to 112, winters down to -44. Oh, and there is about 12 inches of rain yearly. Not much.

The WPA of the New Deal was significant in a lot of ways for Wolf Point. Fort Peck Dam brought jobs and electricty to the area, and a number of local buildings were built then as well.

Now we come to Oswego. As you can see from the overhead view, we are following along the Lewis and Clark Trail. Rumor has it that they used horses, as the trains did not run quite as often those days. And as usual, Oswego is named after another Oswego. There was a big prairie fire in 1970.

Next up is Frazer. And by the way we are now in Valley county.

And thanks to a typo, yes, Virginia, there is a Hannah, Montana. The only thing is that it is in Wyoming. Who knew? Not on our route, but then we don't watch much TV.