Amendments, Science Fiction and stuff

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Failed Amendments

Wed Jan 31 09:36:29 2007 Failed Amendments We Have Known & Loved

Barring an unexpected Lame Duck attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution, Democratic control of Congress will probably result in a temporary moratorium on proposed amendments to the Constitution that would ban gay marriage or ban burning Old Glory. Of course, the G.O.P. does not have a monopoly on converting a Congressional majority into failed attempts to amend the Constitution. During the next 2 years of their pending majority, if the Democrats need to find examples of entertaining failed attempts to amend the U.S. Constitution, history provides some real doozies.

Top 100

Wed Jan 31 20:02:07 2007 ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List) From the The Internet Speculative Fiction Database .